Lately I've been thinking about having a second child quite a lot.
Many things brought it to my mind:
- my Pepette is growing towards her 3 years old next summer:
She is growing A LOT! Becomes more and more clever and chicky, in constant movement. She's growing so fast we realised recently we had to subscribe her to the Maternelle down the road for next september!
But she's also growing a massive Oedipus complex! Everything has to be done by Daddy, eat, put to bed, get up from bed, play... almost only Daddy gets hugs and kisses(unless she hurts her-self or is so tired she doesn't realises who picks her up)... Feels like I'm just there to tell her off sometimes. :(
It gets very frustrating for me. I miss having my own time with her, like during breastfeeding times, when I just had to lie down and her with me, resting or taking a nap...when she used to be just a baby.
So I miss having a baby. Don't get me wrong, beside all this, I'm so glad Elea is growing so well and she will always be my baby girl! I just need another one...

there's been a few new babies in the family and friends. We went to visit them and carrying the precious little things in my arms (although they were all way smaller than my Pepette when she was born!) made me wish for a second one!
The mums asked me loads of questions about how I took care of Elea, breastfeeding, the carrying scarf and how much we were able to go everywhere with her thanks to it, asked me to sooth their new mums-worries...etc. All this reminded me of how much I liked breastfeeding, how I enjoyed walking around London, how careless I was of all the usual mum-worries, which made me enjoy it even more...
- looking towards the future:
Now we came back to France and are starting to settle down, I'm trying not to look back at the past, London and how much I miss my life there, but I'm forcing my-self to look forward.
Well it's not a very far future I'm looking at (I'm completely incapable of this), but towards the next year or two.
Amongst other things, I'd like for us to have a second child in the next year or two so that Elea and him/her won't have too much age difference.
But when should we do it?
We're planning on a few things in the next couple of years...
- buying a house (necessary for a second child), which means it would have to be done before we kick off the baby-making sessions (not just the playoffs ;) )
- getting a PACS (pacsés like we say in french) for administration matters like...lower taxes to pay.
- but why getting a PACS, why not getting married instead?
Yeah you read well, I said it: why not getting married instead. I always thought it was silly do get a PACS when it's the same as a wedding: signing a piece of paper at the townhall, minus the party and the fuss. I'd rather have the party that goes with it and have some fun!
OK but getting married takes at least 1 year to prepare + if ever we do it, my man wants to do a proper proposal...
That means baby + wedding...errrrr not sure about the idea of getting married whilst preggie and looking like a Zepplin!
Arf it's all so confusing and frustrating! Well I'm sure I'll make some sense out of it sooner or later...